This is were I got to lurch off of the marathon starting line this morning. After a night of NO SLEEP (okay, one hour from 4 to 5am, but I was sitting up so I don't think it really counts) I woke up to the sound of rain coming down hard. I about cried because all I wanted to do today was get some good miles in to start my marathon. I woke up my dad, my partner for the run, and told him it was raining but that we could run on the treadmills in the rec center. We got dressed and headed out. I made a comment about how I've become such a wimp about running outside in bad conditions and how I used to run through snow storms in Pocatello, ID. Luckily, the rec center door was still locked and we decided to tough it out and run in the rain. The view was amazing, the air was thin at 7,500 feet, and I thought, "Good, I'll get some high altitude training in!" We ran a good 5 miles, which felt more like 7 due to the air, rain, and HILLS.
I LOVE running marathons.
How is yours going?
Hmmm...mine started with a weak 2.5 miles this morning. I had to fit in a short run before the Memorial Day breakfast:) 11+ miles to go. I can totally do it.
Wish I was running in the mountains. Or maybe I don't. At least you have a great view!
Can't remember the name of the motivational book about running. One more mile or something like that??????????
great job Anna! I'm excited to be running with you :)
I loved running in Utah, it was beautiful. I suppose the high altitude would explain why it was tougher for me. I never think about that stuff.
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