To pick up your free running stuff, just follow behind a marathon race that begins at 7:30am in the bitter freezing cold. Around mile 4 the runners begin to peel off gloves. Mile 6-7 long sleeve shirts (I, however, wore Kathy Ireland the whole way...isn't she a beaut!). Mile 10 ear warmers. That's a lot of great free gear, wash before wearing.
I just got home from Dallas after running in the Ft. Worth Cowtown marathon. Over about 17,800 runners participated in the 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, marathon, and ultra marathon. 4,000 running in the marathon itself. I had a great time (as you can see) and was pleased with my performance. I was a bandit again do to lack of funding, but I've been offered several sponsors for my next race, so I'll have to give up my low-life running. Normally I would sit on my hiney until race time, instead I had to jump out of our car that was stuck in traffic and jog a mile just to get to the start. Luckily Jake was at the wheel or I would have missed the race entirely. I stuck to my racing plan of go out slow and speed up (pretty detailed plan). It was like pulling teeth to keep myself at a slow pace in the beginning, but I was thankful for it in the end when I still had a lot left and cranked out the last few miles. It was a COLD race and SUPER windy...I guess that goes with the "range" though. The head cold and the actual cold didn't really effect me too much, I just felt pretty good the whole time. I've got to tell you though, I sure love a good crowd. Lots of spectators came out to watch and cheer, just having people and music and fun going on quickens my stride. Thank you CROWD! The last 4 miles were pretty desolate and boring though, as most people were waiting at the finish line.
I ended up with a 3:27. There was a real finisher girl who had almost exactly the same time as me with some extra seconds. With the additional gun time, I'm not sure where that would have placed us, but since I didn't see her ahead of me, I'm going to figure I beat her (that's legit right?). As such, I placed 2nd in my age group, behind the woman who won overall, and 7th overall for the women.
What a great race! I really had a good time and felt so happy to be out having fun. My kiddies were hanging with the in-laws and Jake was safely tucked away out of the cold at Barnes and Nobles. With nothing to worry about, I enjoyed being able to do something I love and even got a bit lumpy thinking of how nicely my body works to take me over 26.2 miles. I also have to give a shout out to baby Layla, to whom this marathon was dedicated.
Now that my marathon is over, IT'S YOUR TURN! Get signed up for a MARATHON IN MARCH! It's coming soon so get a few miles in beforehand.

Kristen and I before the race got started
Get out! You didn't mention sponsors. I am not surprised. Is it for the 5k or another marathon? I love that the race was dedicated to Layla. So cute.
Very good job! You did awesome.
Great job on the race, Kelly. I'm still waiting to cheer you on during the Boston Marathon, and I will even stage people during the last four miles so it isn't so desolate :)
Kelly you're so awesome and amazing! Great job!! One day- not in March- I will run a marathon ... I don't know if I'll be as excited as you, but I'll do it.
Good job!
Can you please write the rules up again for how to do Marathon March?
I am assuming I just need to run 26.2 total miles in the month. Is this right?
I ran today. It totally sucked. Getting abck into shape is a killer.
I totally have you fooled! My father-in-law was sad that he didn't get to see my name in the paper for the race and offered to pay for the next one...I was just joking around with him in the post about being my sponsor.
See "Current Challenge" to the left for rules. Sorry, you don't get a month...just one week! I'll still post about it!
You are a stud! Usually reserved for a man but you are a stud anyway! Yeah Kelly!
Good job. so who is going to sponsor you, that's so cool!
You are so totally cool, Kelly! Just had to say great job and what an inspiration you are! So fun to read your story here, made me want to get out and run right now! (not 26.2 miles, though, maybe like 5 :-) )
Way to go Kelly. I love you enthusiasm for torture!
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