Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm trying out some cool, hip text talk. The above is What In The World? ...I like it when people explain their acronyms to me.

What's new in health and fitness via Kelly?

Just reading some sports injury book that talks a lot about edema, contusions, fractures, hypoxia, active movement, and such and so forth.

The big excitement is that I'm running a race this Friday. Oh, just a 5k. OATMATG...On A Treadmill At The Gym!

I've asked another runner to meet me at 9am and humor me with a little competition. I need it because I'm planning on shattering my previous 5k pr. I think I can do it, so here's to trying.

Other news-I just erroneously subscribed to Running Times $10 for 10 issues. I was totally pumped until I realized it wasn't Runner's World (everyone's all time fave). BUT ISP...I'm Still Pumped because it's about running and should be cool.

1 comment:

Kim Kindred said...

Does your treadmill challenger know what they are up against. You may want to take a moment of sympathy and give me their name so I can call them and warn them of your mad skills that cant be touched on the treadmill.